10 Most Amazing Facts About Space You Never Knew

It's only when we look up at the sky that we realize exactly how tiny a speck we are in the grand magnum opus that space is. People are so busy caught up in their lives that they forget about the existence of something so unknown, and yet so beautiful. According to Wikipedia Space is 'the Boundless 3-dimensional extent in which Objects and events have relative position and direction' well we know at least that but these facts are something which you need to know about the never-ending, ever so breathtaking universe.

1. Cost of a space suit :
Ever wondered how much those big white suits with that big helmet worn by Astronauts costs, no idea we'll give you, it costs about US $12 million which is approximately 75,24,05,400 in Indian Currency.

2. Smell of Space : 
Ever wondered how it smells up there in the space with all giant gas giants, no well, according to the Astronauts it smells like seared steak, hot metal and welding fumes, bet you didn't expect that.

3. Sunrises and Sunsets :
Like those Sunrise and Sunset and the beauty of it, well ever wondered if you could witness those beautiful views more than once in a day, well Astronauts at the International Space Station witness almost 15 Sunrises and 15 Sunsets everyday.

4. Most Expensive Object Ever Built :
Ever imagined what would be the cost of building a 'habitable artificial satellite' well I'm talking about the International Space Station. It is the most expensive object ever built with the cost of US $150 billion which is approximately Nine thousand four hundred and six crores and seventy five lakhs (9405067500000 inr).

5. Unknown Signal :
In 1977, we received an unknown signal from deep space that lasted 72 seconds, well we still don't know how or where it came from.

6. Biggest Water Reservoir :
There is a water reservoir floating in space which has water approximately equal to 140 trillion times the water on all the ocean's on Earth.

7. Hoax busted :
The Great wall of China is not visible from the space but China's pollution is definitely visible from the space.

8. Fairy Tale :
Floating cities above the clouds of Venus maybe our best bet for becoming a 2 planet species, because the conditions there are similar to that of Earth, Humans won't need a pressurized suit, the gravity is similar and the transit times are smaller than that to Mars.

9. The one thing missing in Space :
NASA is actually developing 3-d printed pizza's just so that Astronauts can use them to get pizza's in Space.

10. Just for Fun :
A Sample of Sir Isaac Newton's tree was sent into the space just to 'Defy Gravity'.


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