10 Facts You Probably Never Knew About Airplanes
Since the safety related issues are resolved using most advanced aircraft technologies, half of the world population started to use the Airplanes to move around the World. Even frequent flyers wouldn’t know or noticed these 10 facts in Airplane. We assure Knowing these facts will be very helpful and informative for you.

10.You shouldn’t flush while you seated on the Toilet
Toilets in Airplanes are not the regular one you use at home. Carrying more water in Airplane is merely impossible as it heavily impacts engine performance and fuel efficiency. Hence, Vacuum Toilets are used on flights with less water usage. So it's not recommended to flush while you're seated on the toilet as you may get stuck on the toilet due to strong vacuum pressure.
9.You shouldn’t fly when you have cold or flu
If you're a frequent flyer, you may felt the ear discomfort or ear pain. When you're flying on high Altitude More the 2400 meters above the sea level), the inequality air pressure between inside and outside eardrums makes your discomfort. You can avoid by chewing gum, be yawning, or by holding air in the mouth but these remedies don't work when you have a cold. Because, when you're cold it's very difficult for the ear drums to maintain air pressure inside and outside. That may cause permanent eardrum damage. We recommend you to avoid air travel when you have a cold.
8.Sleeping Quarters for Cabin Crew
Have you ever wonder where the flight crew will sleep on a long-haul flight as the full seats are occupied by passengers? You may not notice Cabin crew rest area as that small rest area is on top of the plane. Mostly, this area inaccessible to the passengers. The compartments may vary flight to flight based on the design of the airplane.
7.Airplane can fly with just one Engine for a long time
Yes! A twin-engine can fly for a long time with just one engine. Even for just a road trip, we have a lot of safety measures and precautions, if so why not for the flight which is flying higher altitude (more than 2400 meters above the sea level). It can even take-off and land with just with one engine. In the case of any engine failure, a well-trained pilot can land the flight to the nearest airport. So let the fear and worries far away from you.
6.Pilot also has Emergency Exit (Escape Hatch)
On every air travel, there will be emergency evacuation demo from the cabin crew. You may notice there are several emergency exits for passengers in the rear and front. How about the pilot? Yes, the pilot also has escape hatch right above the pilot. It differs flight to flight based on the flight design. When you're traveling next don't forget to check it out. But, you have to pray for you that pilot shouldn't jump off before you. Just kidding.
5.Toilets are locked, but not really
As some passengers get stuck in toilet airplane hostesses should find a way to unlock the door. So they designed the door with the mechanism to open the door from outside. So you can lock the door but not really. Don’t be afraid, they won’t try to unlock unless you scream from inside.
4.Foods served on airplanes sometimes tasteless
Your tong's taste buds tend to go numb while flying at high altitude due to the low cabin pressure.Because of that, the food you taste in an airplane will be tasteless. So most of the passengers are unhappy with the food served on the airplane.
3.Tiny Hole on Window
You may enjoy the sceneries through the window but you may not notice the ‘breather hole' on the window which regulates the air pressure between windows and keeps them free of fog.
2.Oxygen Mask Lasts Only 12-15 Minutes
At higher altitude air becomes really thin and Oxygen level is quite low. In the case of the drop in cabin pressure, the Oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling (right above your seat) and the passengers will be intimated to wear the mask until the pilot is able to take to the lower altitude for normal breathing.
Even frequent flyers may not know that Oxygen masks last only 12-15 minutes. You should wear the mask when loss of cabin pressures, if not you’ll end up with brain damage or death (hypoxia)
Even frequent flyers may not know that Oxygen masks last only 12-15 minutes. You should wear the mask when loss of cabin pressures, if not you’ll end up with brain damage or death (hypoxia)
1.Black box Capability
The black box isn't actually black, it’s painted in orange color so that I can be spotted easily. It can store a minimum 25 hours of flight information. Since black box records all the vital information to know what happened in the crashed airplane, that is built such a way that it can withstand 3,400 Gs ( 3,400 times the force of gravity) and it should also survive 2000 degrees for 1 hour. The battery-powered beacon should emit a signal once per second while submersed under 20,000 feet of saltwater for 30 days
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