Top 10 Dangerous Countries In The World

Every year Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) publishes global peace index, which ranks the nations of the world according to their level of peacefulness. The index is composed of 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from highly respected sources which includes no.of. Death, Wars/Civil wars, No.of Crimes and ranks 162 independent states, covering 99.6 per cent of the world’s population. 

Based on GPI score from IEP, We have listed Top 10 Dangerous Countries in the World.

10.North Korea (GPI Score – 2977)

After getting Independence from Japan Korea split into two nations North Korea and South Korea. Communist North Korea is run by Supreme Leader “Kim Jong UN”. State economy become Vulnerable as they have spent huge money on heavy militarization and war with South Korea. North Korea residents doesn’t have any basic human rights and cannot own any property, all are government property. Whoever acts against Leader, They will be tortured by most painful execution methods. These are all the facts that puts North Korea into Top 10 Dangerous countries list.

9.Pakistan (GPI Score – 3049)

Pakistan is the country purely based on religion which got independence from India. Since Independence Pakistan initiated war 3 times against India which weakened the economy. 
Pakistan always trains Insurgents with the active support of ISI against India, Afghanistan, and Iran. Every year Pakistan faces 1500 terror attacks and Poverty, Corruption, illiteracy and extremism, terrorism, income inequality makes Pakistan 9th most dangerous country in the world.

8.Democratic Republic of the Congo (GPI Score- 3085)

Democratic Republic of the Congo is not only Dangerous country it also very dangerous country for the Women. Soldiers armed with Guns to protect country but in Congo it is opposite as military and security officials only does the most number of rapes and other crimes in that country. If the Victims lodges a compliant then it’s over. They will be tortured like anything. Poverty, Collapsed Heath Care System, Inequality to Women, Frequent Wars puts Congo into 8th Dangerous country.

7.Sudan (GPI Score – 3295)

Sudan faces same set of problems as South Sudan. Long lasting ethnic violence, two civil wars and tribal conflict divided the country in various sectors which resulted in creation of South Sudan. Still ethnic cleansing, high level of poverty and slavery holds the country down. The constitution and law structure is based on Qur’an makes the country vulnerable toward extremism. Lack of Government control, poor living conditions and human rights violation put Sudan in 7th position at our list.

6.Somalia (GPI Score – 3307)

Civil war happening in Somalia is one of the longest Civil war in the World. Because of Ongoing Civil war in Somalia this country faces extreme poverty, and timely international intervention made at the situation worse. Al Qaida-affiliate Al Shabaab and many other clan based groups are responsible for this conflict. The ongoing war is responsible for hundreds of thousands of civilian casualties and violation several basic human rights and international laws. When you land at Mogadishu’s international airport, the first form you fill out asks for name, address, and caliber of weapon. Believe it or not, this disaster of a city, the capital of Somalia. Numerous radical groups and Human rights violations, bombing, freelance gunmen all together makes Somalia number 6 at our list.

5.Central African Republic (GPI Score – 3332)

Central African Republic became independent state after getting independence from France in 1960.After independence CAR was under Military rule later in 1993 multiparty election held but its still unstable government. You can see the influence in the country of the troubled regions where Sudan and South Sudan resides north and north-east of CAR. Government, Christian and Islamist extremists are fighting to take control over the country. Ongoing armed conflict resulted in deaths and displacement of massive amount of people. Numerous Governmental abuse, mob violence, poor human rights, and violence against children & women put Central African Republic in the radar of numerous human rights organizations.

4.South Sudan (GPI Score – 3383)

In the year 2011 Sudan split into two countries the Republic of Sudan and South Sudan. Since independence, this northeast African state is in civil war between different tribes fighting for power. This ongoing conflict resulted in death of hundreds of thousands of people if not millions. Along with ongoing ethnic violence the state has one of the worst health conditions in the world. Widespread malaria and HIV made the situation worse.

3.Afghanistan (GPI Score – 3427)

Afghanistan is a country at war. There are landmines dispersed throughout the region, and bombings are a regular affair in the country. Military operations continue to occur in Afghanistan, and there is an array of political unrest in the area. Even with the death of Bin Laden, Al Qaeda still operates in some parts of the country. Afghanistan remains an unpredictable and unstable environment.

2.Iraq (GPI Score – 3444)

Saddam may be gone, but the threat is still real. There are terrorist’s organizations and militia groups that place bombs in markets and beside the roads. Sometimes these groups take hostages and kill them. Ironically, the presence of military troops from other countries has made Iraq even more dangerous. Many Iraqis have a lot of anger towards outsiders. Therefore, foreigners could be in grave danger when they visit Iraq.

1.Syria (GPI Score – 3645)

Syria has been named as the most dangerous country in the world, amidst its civil war and the rise of Isis, according to a huge set of new figures showing global levels of peace and violence. In 2008, Syria was classed as the world's 88th most peaceful country, out of 162 nations included in the table. In the last few years, during devastating civil war and the rapid rise of Isis in the country, it has fallen from almost the middle of the table to the very bottom.


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